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You Diet & Exercise…But certain parts of your body simply refuse to tone up…Now you can change all that…Take off what Diet & Exercise Won’t!

Laser Liposuction is a procedure at V-KARE Family Dentistry & Cosmetics Clinic, Champlin MN where we use lasers to liquefy the fat before it is removed, making it easier to vacuum out via liposuction. This procedure is conducted by our Medical Director, Dr. Hussain. We have found that lasers also stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which will result in firmer, tighter, and smoother skin. Lasers also coagulate small blood vessels in the area, which translates into less bruising and a faster healing process.

In one study, patients had Laser Liposuction on one side of their abdomen and traditional Liposuction on the other side. The study concluded that patient’s had more elasticity on the laser side after three months than they had on the side with traditional Liposuction.

Laser Liposuction with Smart Lipo

We can sculpt your body with laser lipo using a tiny cannula and sophisticated lasers, and when combined, they produce precise body contouring and promote skin tightening. No sutures are required, and the tiny scars heal within days. It’s a good substitute for tummy tuck.

Laser Lipo is Safe

Today’s laser lipo surgery is a much safer procedure for several reasons: Doctors use only local anesthetic in office setting when performing laser liposculpture, eliminating the risks associated with general anesthesia. The tumescent technique is also used in most laser lipo procedures, reduces swelling and involves little or no blood loss. The small cannulas used in laser lipo surgery require only the tiniest of incisions, greatly lowering the risk of infection and bruising.

Laser Lipo is Easy

Laser lipo is an outpatient procedure, with most surgeries taking place in your physician’s own clinic. Paitents remain awake throughout the surgery, and walk out of the clinic shortly afterward. Most patients are back to their normal routines in one or two days.

Laser Lipo Results are Beautiful

With the use of modern lasers, today’s liposuction allows laser lipo doctors to sculpt your body with added precision and contour. Laser lipo technology promotes skin tightening over treated areas. Smaller instruments mean smaller incisions that do not require sutures and leave no unsightly scars. The result: a new, more beautiful you with the body that you have always dreamed of.

Laser Lipo is Permanent

The fat cells that are removed by laser liposuction do not regenerate. Hence laser Lipo is permanent removal of fat cells in the treated area.

What is the Cost of Laser Liposuction

The cost depends on the area being treated and number of zones. The procedure starts at $2000.

If you are ready to sculpt a beautiful new body or if you would just like to schedule a consultation for laser liposuction, please give us a call. You will be on your way to having all the right contours in all the right places.

Cancellation Policy: 2 weeks notice required for any cancellation or rescheduling appointment. No shows will not be rescheduled.

The most important safety aspect of any treatment is the careful evaluation performed by a trusted Physician.

Contact Us for a Consultation

If you have questions about how we can help with Laser Liposuction Services please contact one of our staff by calling V-Kare Family Dentistry & Cosmetics Clinic, Champlin, MN at 763-323-6564, or you can send us a message through our online Contact Us Form..